Coding Generally

Ish 2.0 – Viewport tester for responsive web development

Mobile web traffic is on the rise. During the first half of 2015 in Europe, one-third of all the web traffic is caused by mobile devices. In Asia it was even half of all the traffic. As I result of that it becomes more and more important to provide responsive websites for all the different devices and display sizes. Ish (yet another viewport resizer) is a useful tool the check ones website against many different screen resolutions.

Coding Sysadmin

Installing PHP7 Beta 1 as php-fpm variant on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS system.

After major parts of the PHP community were against releasing PHP6 as the successor of PHP5, the new official replacement of PHP5 will now be PHP7. A first beta version is now available and the final release is planned on October 2015. Because there are no official packages to be installed for Debian or Ubuntu at the moment, we’ll create a PHP 7 php-fpm module by compiling the beta 1 source code. That will also allow us to continue having PHP5 on our server as the main version but use PHP7 to test our projects for compatibility.